Good Robot’s InHome Monitoring System – Good Robot will collaborate with George Brown College to test, validate and refine their Good Robot InHome system prior to their official commercial launch. Good Robot is a Toronto-based company that specializes in emerging technologies such as telerobitics, handheld assistive devices, and home automation technology.
Voice Recognition Interactive Voice Response (IVR) for Home Automation
The goal of this project with Canadian Computer Technology is to develop a system that addresses the increased demand for home systems to provide interactive systems inside the house to control household devices and incorporate additional services that factor in healthcare and long term disability needs.
Development of a Smart Hand Gel Dispenser for Hospital Watch Live
Every year 250,000 Canadians suffer from Hospital-Acquired Infections, also known as “superbugs.” Of these, 8,000-12,000 die. We know that one of the most effective measures to slow the spread of these superbugs is also the simplest: good hand hygiene. Yet, hand-hygiene compliance rates in hospitals are as low as 40%.
Development of a Smart Hand Gel Dispenser for Hospital Watch Live
Every year 250,000 Canadians suffer from Hospital-Acquired Infections, also known as “superbugs.” Of these, 8,000-12,000 die. We know that one of the most effective measures to slow the spread of these superbugs is also the simplest: good hand hygiene. Yet, hand-hygiene compliance rates in hospitals are as low as 40%.
Real-Time Locating System based on Infonaut’s Intelligent Platform for Hospitals at George Brown College
Real-Time Locating System based on Infonaut’s Intelligent Platform for Hospitals at George Brown College